In response to the latest directive from the Health Minister of Manitoba regarding indoor resident visitation, the NHCC Covid Management Team will be discussing the next steps we are taking. We want to make sure we continue to protect the overall health, well-being and mental health of the residents on the Campus.
We are looking at a protocol to give us the opportunity to safely allow indoor visitation with residents in the PCH and the NCU Manor Supportive Housing second floor.
We are expecting that it may be about 4 weeks for us to be able to work through all the dynamics and impact since the regulations clearly still require
- Social distancing of 2 meters/6 feet.
- No entry to the resident’s suites or rooms.
- Meeting in a space that will allow easy access from the outdoors for the family members so that they do not enter our resident neighbourhoods.
Exceptions will continue to be made on a case-by-case basis as per existing guidelines for compassionate and/or end of life reasons.
As well, for those residents in the Special Care Environment on the second floor of the PCH we will be handling these requests differently as a number of these residents cannot practically leave their room.
Our on-site, outdoor visits will continue and we are also exploring some temporary options to help with when there is bad weather. It will not be as fancy as the visiting units that the Province recently announced that they will be building as our temporary measure may be a canvas shelter or something similar. To continue to provide ongoing support for the PCH and NCU Manor residents please continue to follow procedures outlined earlier to have arrange for an on-site outdoor visit.
For the NCU Manor we are now requiring that all visitors must wear a non-medical mask. If a person arrives and does not have one we will sell them one.
We all know that a number of your loved ones will benefit from an indoor visit. But protecting the health and well-being of your loved ones and our staff remains one of our top priorities.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we continue on this journey.
If you have any questions or concerns related to this step please contact the undersigned. If you call either the NCU Manor Client Service Manager or the PCH Director of Care you will be referred to my office.

Wes Hildebrand
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Officer of Finance and HR
Niverville Heritage Centre Campus
P: 204.388.5000 ext. 211
F: 204.388.6431