This statement is being released to our Residents, their families, our Team Members, and Board Members.
This is notifying you, our NCU Manor Residents and their families that we now have a confirmed Positive test of the Covid virus.
This person is on staff and works predominantly in the Manor. This person has not been at work since October 30, 2020. This staff person only began feeling symptoms on Saturday October 31, 2020. As we understand this virus was contagious starting two days before the symptoms began to appear. As of this past week none of your loved ones have exhibited any symptoms. All of their contact with residents the person was wearing a mask.
We have not had direction from Public Health to this point but we are expecting that they will ask us to determine the level of contact within our complex.
This person’s masked contact with the other staff was largely minimal but there were a few that this person had more contact with than others. Here again we are determining the level of masked contact and the possibility that might exist for transfer of the virus.
We have been asking your loved one to monitor themselves and will continue to do so. When we have concern and observe symptoms we will be contacting the Caregivers on Record to arrange for their loved one to have the Covid-19 Test.
As we understand the information from Public Health we may have caught this early and there may be little risk of transmission since this staff person started feeling symptoms October 31 so she was contagious about October 29. This means that we are almost to the end of the 14 day isolation period for our residents and other staff who have not had symptoms to date. 14 days will end November 11, 2020.
Our course of action right now is:
- All residents will be isolating until further notice.
a. We will be delivering their meals to their suite. - All staff that had contact we will be expecting that they will self-isolate for the 14 days and will not be back on campus.
- Notifying the resident’s caregivers.
- Notifying Southern Health.
As noted before things are changing so very quickly across Canada and within the Province of Manitoba. We will keep you informed as we can on our Website but again ask for patience if these changes happen too quickly or for changes you personally feel we should have implemented already.
If you have any questions please contact the undersigned.

Wes Hildebrand
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Officer of Finance and HR
Niverville Heritage Centre Campus
P: 204.388.5000 ext. 211
F: 204.388.6431
Rob Manchulenko
Chief Officer of Hospitality and Services
P: PH: 204.388.5000 ext. 212
F: 204.388.6431