Across Canada, the risk that COVID-19 poses to the residents of Assisted Living and Supportive Housing is clear. Efforts to prevent, quickly identify and contain “outbreaks” of COVID-19 continue to be vital to protecting populations that are most vulnerable to serious outcomes from the virus. We know that family and friends are integral to the overall health, well-being and quality of life of residents within Assisted Living and Supportive Housing environments. Balancing necessary preventative measures with maintaining the vital connections that residents have with family members and support systems has been at the heart of every stage of our response.
In addition to protecting the residents in Assisted Living and Supportive Housing, we have an expanded responsibility due to varied levels of care provided on our campus. Staff health is also very important to being able to provide the necessary care of our residents.
We continue to strongly encourage outdoor visits.
While levels of COVID-19 remain low we will be supporting indoor visits in the resident’s Suite at the NCU Manor with the following considerations. Outdoor and virtual visiting will remain the first and safest choice.
The costs to us while having no revenue from our social enterprise components make it tough to spend the extra funds for security and overtime. These costs are currently not being covered by the residents. For the time being NHHI will continue to absorb these costs.
As of today Visitation Site Support will be
- Tuesday from 5pm-8pm
- Wednesday from 5pm-8pm
- Thursday from 5pm-8pm
- Saturday from 12-4pm
- Sunday from 12-4pm
(These shifts will be covered by volunteers with the exception of Sundays.)
During the day, Monday to Friday visiting hours will also change to 9AM-11AM and 1PM-2:30PM.
We do realize that our residents on the second floor should also have access to Designated family caregivers. We feel that we are already achieving this level of care from family members and defining it more narrowly as recommended will have a negative affect on many of our residents.
- Indoor visitors will still be screened.
- Must wear a mask.
- Must observe Physical distancing of 6 feet apart at all times.
- Perform proper hand hygiene and asked not to touch surfaces along the way or
interact with other Residents or families along the way.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we take every measure to protect your loved ones, you and our staff.
Please direct any concerns to myself at the contact information below.

Wes Hildebrand
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Officer of Finance and HR
Niverville Heritage Centre Campus
P: 204.388.5000 ext. 211
F: 204.388.6431