Niverville Heritage Centre Campus Statement Regarding the Covid 19 Virus NCU Manor (March 18, 2020) #3

This statement is being released to our Residents, their families, our Team Members, Board Members, Stakeholders including our Town Council and CAO, SHSS Leadership, and Emergency Services. Recently we were informed that the mandate from the Chief Provincial Public Health Officer is also applicable to “Supportive Housing facilities or units such as the 2nd floor [...]

2020-03-18T18:51:09-05:00March 18th, 2020|

Niverville Heritage Centre Campus Statement Regarding the Covid 19 Virus (March 17, 2020) #2

This statement is being released to our Residents, their families, our Team Members, Board Members, Stakeholders including our Town Council and CAO, SHSS Leadership, and Emergency Services. In the past 30 minutes the Government of the Province of Manitoba has issued the following statement. Public health officials are recommending the immediate suspension of visitors [...]

2020-03-17T15:51:48-05:00March 17th, 2020|

Niverville Heritage Centre Campus Statement Regarding the Covid 19 Virus (March 16,2020) #1

This statement is being released to our Residents, their families, our Team Members, Board Members, Stakeholders including our Town Council and CAO, SHSS Leadership, and Emergency Services. The Executive Team and Leadership here on the Niverville Heritage Centre Campus have been working at developing an action plan that can be implemented across our campus. [...]

2020-03-17T15:46:40-05:00March 16th, 2020|
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