This statement is being released to our Residents, their families, our Team Members, Board Members, Stakeholders including our Town Council and CAO, SHSS Leadership, and Emergency Services.
This past weekend there was a statement released that here on the Niverville Heritage Centre Campus we were locking down the Heritage Life Retirement Living Inc. building.
As all of you are aware this whole campus is an aging in place campus. In all areas we have seniors living that are at a stage in their life and health that make them more susceptible to the Corona Virus than others.
Locking down the Heritage Life Personal Care Home wing and the NCU Manor 2nd floor was easier as all of the residents and staff working there are at risk.
Locking down the whole NCU Manor (adding the 1st and 3rd floors to the lockdown) needed to happen as many of the residents living there are at risk.
Locking down the Life Lease wing is one that will need to be built on the honour system as we do not have a lot of staff station in that area.
I have had my share of phone calls noting that you bought your life lease unit and so you can come and go as you wish.
With the lockdown of the Heritage Life Retirement Living Inc. wing the concern we have is for the residents who reside in this wing that should be living in the NCU Manor. Some of them have applied and are waiting to move over to the Manor. We cannot protect them on our own we need all of the lease holders/residents assist with this.
In the Life Lease we have had some snowbirds that returned walk freely around the building and even go out. Some have been standing around closely (not physical distancing) and visiting. As well there has been a flow of visitors.
Since the virus droplets can live for 24 hours on hard surfaces and even cardboard we need to reduce the exposure that could result in any of our residents on this campus catching Covid 19.
The Covid19 Action Response Committee has been doing a great job. An Emergency Planning Program was developed specific to the Niverville Heritage Centre Campus because of our unique campus. The plan as four stages. Following is some information. This is a multipage booklet along with a lot of background details.
- Green – observe - and work out the details for the next response/action steps.
- Yellow – caution – implement some of the key steps in sanitizing, securing
products, minimizing visitors to the high risk areas. Steps to a lockdown prepared.
- If the infection is progressing more quickly around us or SHSS has a case then move to next level.
- Red – Immediate Action – Lockdown of the areas in Yellow and take steps to minimize the access in lower risk areas.
- If the infection rate continues to spread in the region where residents family members reside we will implement this fully.
- Black – complete lockdown – Team serves needs of residents only all other function stops.
We are currently in the Red Stage but it is creeping toward the last level. In some cases we have acted before it was mandated, thanks to the Covid19 Action Response Committee.
With the lockdown of the Heritage Life Retirement Living Inc. building this is what we are asking of you and some information.
- Please do not allow any visitors to enter the building.
- There may be a caregiver that has to enter to assist with some medications etc. that is acceptable but please let them know what they need to do with sanitizing
- Phone or email someone if you need to visit with someone.
- You can go for walks if you want fresh air. (Remember not in a large group).
- When you return PLEASE sanitize.
- If you use the Fitness Room please clean it thoroughly after use.
- Remain in your suite as much as possible.
- If you see any of our more vulnerable residents outside their unit and they are not with a Health Care Aid or Dietary Aid ask them if they need assistance and if they can return to their unit.
- Please call our office and inform us of this.
- If you show any symptoms please self-isolate.
- Dry Cough
- Fever
- Tiredness
- Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
- CALLHealthLinksimmediately
- 204-788-8200
- 1-888-315-9257
- If you need to get groceries or refill a prescription or something else
- First call a family member to see if they can pick it up for you.
- Then when they deliver it they can leave it at the front door by the mailboxes and when they leave you pick up the package(s).
- If there is no family member(s) that can assist and you would prefer NOT to go out please call our office. We will see if we can assist.
- As a last resort please send only one person out to do the shopping.
- First call a family member to see if they can pick it up for you.
- When you receive items that are delivered PLEASE sanitize the packaging if it can be. If it cannot be then follow this.
- If it is paper then place it aside for 24 hours and sanitize thoroughly.
- If it is a plant, or fresh vegetables or fruit unless it came prepackaged refuse it unless you know the source.
- If it is a gift or baked item that cannot be sanitized confirm and KNOW the source.
- Every time that you go about inside the Life Lease building please sanitize your hands. There are hand sanitizer stations set up at ALL elevator doors.
- Also use the hand sanitizer every time you enter the elevator.
- We have increased our sanitizing regiment with our housekeeping staff in your common and open spaces as well as doorways.
- There may be some things that might be reduced a little but the sanitizing is a very important task that our team is performing.
- Wearing gloves can help but they should be plastic. Leather, wool, fur etc. are not good.
- Please do not touch your face. This I know can be hard.
- We have deactivated all cards that had access to go through the NCU Manor.
- We are asking for no walking in the Atrium
- We are allowing the NCU Manor residents to walk there but we are trying to give them some opportunity to be about.
- They are doing an absolutely great job at self-distancing and have accepted the steps we have taken regarding seating for eating as well.
- Do not crowd into the elevator. Maybe limit this to a maximum of 3 people at a time with proper distance.
As noted before things are changing so very quickly across Canada and within the Province of Manitoba. We will keep you informed as we can on our Website but again ask for patience if these changes happen too quickly or for changes you personally feel we should have implemented already.
If you have any questions please contact the undersigned.

Wes Hildebrand
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Officer of Finance and HR
Niverville Heritage Centre Campus
P: 204.388.5000 ext. 211
F: 204.388.6431